Cnet windows 10 now.Still running Windows 7? Time is running out to upgrade to Windows 10. What to know

Cnet windows 10 now.Still running Windows 7? Time is running out to upgrade to Windows 10. What to know

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Ready to move on up to Windows 10? Here are all the steps you need for success. Windows 10 is finally here and it's cnet windows 10 now best version of the operating system we've seen in a while.

Even better, it's a free update if you already have Windows 7 or newer. The new operating system is available as an update starting July 29 and we recommend you upgrade. If you're ready to bring your Windows 8 or 7 machine up to the latest version of Microsoft's OS, there are few things you'll have to do to make the upgrade as painless as possible.

I've outlined the key steps to follow below. To protect all of the files you have on your computer, I highly recommended that you back up your computer, just in case something goes cnet windows 10 now during the upgrade process. You will need to install all of the updates for the current version of Windows you have cnet windows 10 now your machine. If you've set up automatic updates, you should be all set, but double-check first. Once your computer has the latest updates, you'll need to wait for a Windows icon to pop up in the taskbar перейти your desktop, letting you know you can reserve Windows Follow the directions on the screen to let Microsoft know that you would like the Windows 10 update.

You may enter your email address to confirm the update, but it is not necessary. When you're finished with the reservation process, all you can do cnet windows 10 now sit back and wait for Microsoft to automatically send Windows 10 to your computer, a process that can take several days or weeks.

When it's time to install the update, you will get перейти на источник notification on your computer. If you've finished all the above steps and do not want to wait another minute to get Windows 10, there is a way to speed things up. Check out CNET's guide to manually cnet windows 10 now and installing Windows 10 to jump the line and get started now.

However, use this process at your own risk, because it can be more complicated than simply waiting for the update to arrive. Your guide to a better future. Want CNET to notify you of price drops and the latest stories? No, thank you Accept. Tech Computing. Sarah Mitroff. July 29, p. Sarah Mitroff Senior Editor.

Now playing: Watch this: How to upgrade to Windows 10 right now. Enlarge Image. Receive expert tips on using phones, computers, smart home gear and more. Delivered Tuesdays and Thursdays.



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